But, I woke up today telling a friend to remember to make today a good day. And so, I made my time outside of work count. Mostly by cooking, but also by purchasing a few things for a project in the wings. (More on that if anything comes of it...)
"What did you cook?" you ask.
Bacon-ated Steak with Portabella, Asparagus and Yellow Squash
Again, order of operations being key, I photographed pretty much the whole cooking process this time. It took me probably 45 minutes from start to finish, but I can eat this meal for probably 2 dinners with how much food it made. So not bad in the grand scheme of time.
Heat up your non-stick or cast iron skillet and throw in : duck fat and shallots and chopped up portabella mushroom. I cut mine in big chunks. Let these babies fry up, and get mellow. I like to throw mushrooms in at the beginning because they get browned and soak up the flavors of other stuff in the pan. Takes about 5-7 minutes on medium heat. Don't burn these guys on high heat if you're in a hurry. This dish is too good to be a jerk to your food.
Then throw in : your sliced up squash and 2 inch pieces of asparagus. Cover it up! Good life lesson. But mostly to keep the moisture in and steam the newb veggies you just threw in there. This should also be on medium heat. Just put the cover on the pan and leave for a few minutes at a time so the sides of the squash have time to brown.
It was at this point, as these veggies were cooking, that I was thinking "Damn, this really could be amazing... But really. Only one thing could make it better..." and so then we ended up with this: bacon.
So now, we come to "Bacon-ated" steak. I used some bacon fat and bits from the cast iron pan in the same frying pan that cooked the veggies, turned up the heat a bit, and then pretty much just let the steak do its thing. It splutters a lot of grease, so get that cover handy, and a wooden spoon to help keep the cover slightly off kilter and let the moisture escape. We don't want to steam it, but I'd rather keep my stove from looking like BP took over my kitchen.
Last up, put some veggies on that plate, cut that steak, and add something good for dessert, like a handful of raspberries. and voila. You will totally make your neighbor jealous... unless he's vegan and absolutely hammered right now... like my neighbor...
And so, while I'm still working out the mechanics of portions and ratios as suggested in the paleo lifestyle (I Zoned for a good 7 months prior to paleo, and thus have an OCD attention to measuring things out for each meal and serving), I kinda ate until I was full. And that was a pretty good way to get lost in the joy of cooking and eating after a crappy day at work.
What do you think? I don't claim my dishes to be the result of rocket-science-like-recipe-making, in fact I pretty much use the same order of operations for all of my cooking and just vary the ingredients. Tried a similar dish? What combination of veggies and spices did you use?
And remember. Bacon makes everything better. Especially crappy days at work.
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